Color Coordination – Pantone Color Trends of 2021

with Mei Yee Leong

Selecting the right colors for your designs is essential to portraying the correct tone, mood and overall look and feel. Blue can convey harmony, tranquillity, green can convey health and vitality and yellow can convey joy and happiness. Colors should also be chosen, based on color saturation, hue, etc. too often I see colors being chosen without these considerations. It is obvious when colors clash and mismatch, as they appear uneasy on the eye. The colors used can also apply to the stock imagery you use too. It’s important to take note of the strongest colors in the stock images, so that they match with your overall brand colors.

Have you ever taken a look at the colors you use in your collateral?

Is it cohesive, consistent and accurate in the portrayal of your brand?

Does it stand out?

Having a review of the colors and elements you use in your brand can be a healthy approach to take. Take a look at yours or contact me to start the conversation.

The colors you use are important and can make a huge difference in how people portray you and your brand. I myself use a lot of blues, gold and oceanic elements as I wanted to portray the harmonious power my brand brings to any business. The gold represents the stellar service any of my clients receive. Rather poetic, don’t you think?

Pantone is the industry’s leader in dictating the colors of note to utilise. If you haven’t heard of them, they develop brand and product color strategies, forecast color trends, and provide color custom solutions. This year’s colors are Illuminating and Ultimate Grey. An interesting pairing that can be used individually or together. The yellow is a lovely soft tone that would work well in brands wanting to evoke happiness, joy, without being too obnoxious. The grey would work in any professional brand; a reliable, sturdy tone of grey.

For more information about this color palette, visit this link here.

For more ideas on color palettes using this year’s colors of the year, visit this link here.

You can utilize the Adobe Color Wheel to construct color schemes, such as complementary, compound, analogous, here.

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