How to Adapt Your Health & Wellness Website to Keep Up With the Global Health Climate

You may or may not have noticed the recent trend in the world; we now have this crazy world- and life-altering pandemic ravaging the planet.

The monumental changes in the world, and day-to-day activities is not only on the consumer end of things. From here on out, we need to adapt our businesses and our marketing to better communicate with our audience.

There is a lot of fear surrounding the ongoing waves of coronavirus/COVID-19. Many lives have been affected; a large amount of infections and deaths have occurred; healthcare workers are now working double shifts and beyond to combat this virus on the front lines; families are quarantined apart from each other; and so much more. I’m sure you can relate to at least one of these statements.

Now, more than ever, consumers are looking for hope, and some feel-good in their daily lives, and YOU can be right there with YOUR business and YOUR services. You just need to adapt your marketing to focus on your new offerings, and make sure that your customers aren’t missing the efforts you’re putting in.

Let’s make sure your customer’s journey is a complete one. One where they feel they can trust you, and your messaging.

A “customer journey” is the series of interatoins they have with your business, both online, and over the phone (and possibly in person these days). In order to gain trust, you need to make sure everything in your messaging is congruent to the main messaging you’re putting outthere.

For instance, you’re advertising a social distancing 5k for your training program. Make sure you have SOMETHING on your website about the 5k so that when users visit your site from a social media post advertising it, they’re not lost trying to find the information they’ve come for.

A couple ways to do this without redoing your entire website:

  1. pop up – a quick blurb in a popup with a button linking them to sign up is all you really need to grab their attention
  2. slide in reminder (also a pop up, but less invasive to the users experience) – you know those little chat type boxes that will slide in saying “how can I help you today”, set up a small box for your website like those chat boxes that links them to your 5k sign up page
  3. link people directly to your 5k signup or landing page, skip advertising your homepage altogether
  4. after signing up, redirect them to a thank you page, reminding them to take the next step in their customer journey. This could look like any of the following:
    • check their email
    • join a facebook group
    • start their online training
    • schedule a call

Keeping your messaging consistent through your customers experience with you will not only build trust, but will improve your brand recognition next time they’re looking for help in your area of expertise. They’ll remember how easy it was to work with you, and when you solve their problems for them, there is no way they’ll forget you! (They should also recommend you to their friends 😉 )

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