Why Isn’t Anyone Coming to My Website? Exploring Reasons and Effective Solutions for Low Website Traffic

Why Isn't Anyone Coming to My Website? Exploring Reasons and Effective Solutions for low website traffic

Creating and maintaining a website is an exciting venture, whether it’s for personal blogging, showcasing a business, or selling products/services. However, a common frustration among website owners is the lack of visitors. If you’re wondering, “Why isn’t anyone coming to my website?” you’re not alone. In this blog post, we will delve into potential reasons…

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The Best 5 SEO Tools for Wellness Websites

top 5 seo tools for wellness websites

Do you struggle with gaining traction (getting visitors and new viewers) to your website? If your website was built properly, you already have the very foundational SEO work completed on your website, BUT did you know that SEO is an ongoing task that you should be keeping up on? Even if it’s only 20 minutes…

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Themes, Plugins, Widgets… What?! – pt. 3 of Creating Your Wellness Website


You’re through the process of signing up for hosting, purchasing a domain, and installing WordPress! YAY! In this installation of “Creating your Wellness Website”, we’re going over your next steps of picking a theme, choosing reliable plugins for added features, and what the heck widgets are!   Themes are what style your website. Okay, so…

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Creating your Wellness Website – pt. 1: Domains, Hosting & CMS

This is my favorite topic of all. Creating your Wellness Website. There is just so much that goes into this, that I can’t possibly fit it all into one blog post, so I will be creating a series that will help you understand all the in’s and out’s of website design for your wellness website.…

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